Tuesday, December 29, 2009

To wrap up 2009

Although I have no pictures to post (correction: I "have" the pictures, just not the brains or ability to get them from my laptop to the blog- I usually use the desk top which is still in a box somewhere) I thought I'd do a little post so that I can further prolong having to get back to cleaning/unpacking.

We made it from Massachusetts to Utah all in one piece. Well, in about a million little pieces, all packed up individually, wrapped in paper, and taped shut in boxes and luggage. To our relief, I found the toaster today. That was the one item I had convinced myself that the packers had toted off to keep as their Christmas bonus. Turns out they didn't want my Black & Decker-two-slot beauty from 1998. Their loss.

We went to spend Christmas in a beautiful cabin up Heber canyon. Richard's entire family was there and we had a blast. We went sledding, ate, and visited lots. We also all thought it would be fun to share a common bond in the form of a stomach flu. Well, of the 22 of us there, I believe at least 13 shared that bond. I was the only one of our little family to stay healthy. I'm saving my sick days for January.

Is there anything else to add? Think, think! Those boxes are staring me down and I think I've avoided them for too long. I guess I will move on and hopefully post again sometime in the new year. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will have the best new year ever!

UPDATE (almost one year later)- I finally figured out how to post some pictures from my laptop so I just wanted to add a few. Mostly so that I can print out this blog and there are nice pictures to wrap it all up.

The kids on Christmas Eve getting ready to open a present. As you can see Grayson was somewhat less than excited because he knew it was going to be pajamas.

Riley and Richard headed downhill on the tube.

Cute Grayson all bundled up.

Korbin, Shaylee, Kenyon, Savannah, Treyton, and Riley all ready to go.

The gang.

So Santa, what are you going to bring these two for Christmas?

Lots of fun making gingerbread houses.