Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Gasaways

We were so sad to have to say good-bye to our dear friends, the Gasaways, last week. We have known them for a relatively short time and yet we became really close. They have become like our family-away-from-family. They are moving to Colorado because Rhett is in the Air Force.
This picture was taken with my cell phone so it's not the greatest (not to mention trying to get 6 children to look at the camara at the same time). Ellie is the oldest and is trying to help her little brother, Jacob. And Savanna is on the far right. She even has the same middle name as our Savannah!

Richard with Rhett and Kristen. They were able to stay with us a couple of days before they started their trek west and we were so glad for the extra time with them. We already miss them tons!


Ingersoll Family said...

I just wanted to point out that I love the OJ Simpson/Michael Jackson glove Chard is sporting on his right hand. Truly, I am sad for you guys that your friends are moving. Love ya!