Monday, September 29, 2008

Now we know who the pretty one is in our relationship...

So I ran pictures of Richard and I to see what celebrities we look like. Richard is a Val Kilmer look-alike.

Wow, that's pretty impressive. What hot actress will I be?

I ran three different pictures of myself. I was two foreign actresses I had never heard of but don't worry. There was one famous American that I look like. Who was it?

Jack Osbourne.

No lie, that's what they came up with. I hope you forgive me for not posting it.

My, I feel pretty.

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb


Holly said...

That is pretty awesome!!! I totally want to do this with our family. I have NEVER laughed harder when you said it came up with Jack Osborne for you. Holy Cow! I HAVE to see that one. Funny stuff. (BTW-you look NOTHING like Jack Osborne)

Unknown said...

I hope that monica reads this post because she always told me I was the one who looked like him. (you remember those days waking up bad hair and my glasses?) need i say more. nice thanks for getting me off the hook:) and for richard that is crazy.

The Davis Fam said...