For a few precious years of a little girls life there is an understood "No Boys Allowed" when it comes to the party scene. When they're little they want the boys there because they still like boys. When they get older they want them there because they again like boys. But as a parent, I for one, am treasuring the in-between years.
This was one of those years.
Marissa, Eryn, Jessica, Savannah, Carrie, and Taylor (in front)
Picture a little blurry (they wouldn't hold still very long!)
Pizza, cupcakes, karaoke, doing fingernails, dancing, playing games that involved bubblegum and candy, and just acting like crazy girls. It was fun, and lets face it, what boy in their right mind would have wanted to be there? Even her brothers took a leave of absence and headed for Dallin's house.
We went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner that night, just as our little family. Grayson honed right in on Savannah's dessert and, being the sweet and generous person that she is, she let him. We love you Savannah! You bring us so much joy!