Friday, November 28, 2008

Invisible Thanksgiving pictures

Tablecloth and napkins ironed, China washed, placecards made. Went through all of the effort to set the Thanksgiving table and even charged the camara to take a picture with all of our guests. And as you can see, the photo is posted here, next to the one of last year. Meaning...didn't take any- either time. I especially should have taken a picture of the turkey. I'm adding this picture, although not my turkey, because it looked pretty darn close. I figured that since last year I didn't kill anyone I would attempt some flavor in the turkey this year. And, by golly, thanks to Reynold's and their genius cooking bags and a little seasoning it worked! Alright, enough horn tooting. We had a great time with the Giles, Cotters, and Nelsons. Some of our "family away from family". It was a terrific Thanksgiving!

Yep- I was out there

Black Friday, I did it. However, unlike the past couple of years, I did NOT get up early and wait out in the cold for the stores to open. I did peek at the clock in my room at 6:30 a.m. and think "I am so glad I'm in bed right now". Then, at my leisure, I made it to Target, oh around 11:00. And guess what. Found everything I was looking for. Sometimes it's best not to know (or care) what you missed.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Aunt Jennie with Captain Cody, Darth Vader, and the Midnight Fairy.
Very very scary! Okay, not really.
We love Halloween here in New England. It's back to the very traditional Halloween that I remember as a kid. Don't get me wrong- I do like the Trunk or Treats but I kind of feel like they take away from the old-school feel of Halloween. I know they're safer, more convenient, and quicker for when it's freezing cold but come on. I love the million kids running around the neighborhood and people sitting on their porch oohing and aahing over every costume.

We went to the Adams' house (yes, to see the Adams Family, he he) for a party and then went trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. There were kids EVERYWHERE and it was so festive and fun! I should've weighed to see how much candy they got. I guess I can just weigh myself and see how many pounds I've gained. It's probably about equivilent, unfortunately.
"Gimme Gimme!" Yeah, he's only eaten about 2 pieces of candy since that night over a week ago. I have a friend here who has started "Treats for Troops" where she sets up some drop-offs for people to give some of their Halloween surplus. Then she arranges to have it donated to the troops serving outside of the U.S. Her motto- "Don't let your Halloween candy go to waste, or waist." What a great idea!
The night before Halloween Richard, Wes, and Jennie went on a haunted walking tour in Salem. From what I hear it was pretty dang spooky. Now that's Halloween!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Octoberfest at the Davis household

We've had a fun couple of weeks. First my parents and Aaron visited the weekend before Halloween. They were able to go with us to the ward Trunk or Treat but basically just came to hang out and enjoy our awesome company. We went to the beach when the tide was ultra low (not just low...ultra low). This is super awesome, especially on an off-season day because you can walk along the shore and find TONS of cool stuff like shells, sand dollars, and starfish. But luckily the kids learned a valuable lesson from their last time at the beach- Do NOT bring a live clam home and keep it in your room as a pet. Sand dollars make better pets.

The day after they left Wes and Jennie came to visit. They were here for a week and we had tons of fun! We did lots of seeing of the sites but mostly just enjoyed being together.

We teamed up to do pumpkins this year. Grayson and Jennie, Savannah and Wes, Riley and I, and Rich was on his own.
Cute and fun, just like Grayson and Jennie.

Mean and scary, just like Mommy. And Riley when he wants to be.

Sweet and goofy, just like Savannah and Wes.

Richard had a fondness for his pumpkin. In fact it sleeps on my side of the bed now. He he he!

We love to have visitors and had such a great time with everyone. Thanks for coming to see us!