Saturday, November 8, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Aunt Jennie with Captain Cody, Darth Vader, and the Midnight Fairy.
Very very scary! Okay, not really.
We love Halloween here in New England. It's back to the very traditional Halloween that I remember as a kid. Don't get me wrong- I do like the Trunk or Treats but I kind of feel like they take away from the old-school feel of Halloween. I know they're safer, more convenient, and quicker for when it's freezing cold but come on. I love the million kids running around the neighborhood and people sitting on their porch oohing and aahing over every costume.

We went to the Adams' house (yes, to see the Adams Family, he he) for a party and then went trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. There were kids EVERYWHERE and it was so festive and fun! I should've weighed to see how much candy they got. I guess I can just weigh myself and see how many pounds I've gained. It's probably about equivilent, unfortunately.
"Gimme Gimme!" Yeah, he's only eaten about 2 pieces of candy since that night over a week ago. I have a friend here who has started "Treats for Troops" where she sets up some drop-offs for people to give some of their Halloween surplus. Then she arranges to have it donated to the troops serving outside of the U.S. Her motto- "Don't let your Halloween candy go to waste, or waist." What a great idea!
The night before Halloween Richard, Wes, and Jennie went on a haunted walking tour in Salem. From what I hear it was pretty dang spooky. Now that's Halloween!


Holly said...

I totally agree with you about the Trick or Treating disappearing right before our eyes due to the trunk or treats. Our kids will never know Halloween like I did. We still try to hit a few houses, but it's just not the same. And so little work for free candy these days. What are we teaching them--you get something for nothing, and you don't even have to walk five steps to get the next one. :) Looks like fun. Are you cold in Boston yet?