Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pushy Yellow

Grayson was so happy to come home from preschool with a "pushy yellow" today. He has taken such good care of it. What a cutie!


Jennie said...

Way to go, Grayson!! Good job in taking care of your "pushy yellow".

Unknown said...

Nice pushy yellow Buddy! You will be a great dad one day, expecially if you can take care of a yellow pushy. Heee hee miss and love you guys!!!

Linda Davis said...

We used to have a great bigpushy yellow tree in our front yard and your daddy loved to go outside with uncle Robert and pick all of them on one side and bring them into me in a glass jar...he loved them too and took such good care of them that the whole other side grew back! Good job Bud.

Grandma Davis