Thursday, June 12, 2008

About my Sweet Hubby

I got husband tagged from my sister-in-law, Holly. It's all about my wonderful husband, Richard.
1. What is his name? Richard Davis

2. Who eats more? He usually does, but there are times I can definitely take him on.

3. Who said I love you first? I think he was getting around to saying it but I think it was technically me.

4. Who is taller? He is.

5. Who is smarter? I’d like to think it’s me but the older I get the more I realize that I give myself too much credit and him too little. He really is smarter than I am.

6. Who is more sensitive? He is.

7. Who does the laundry? Me, unless we want pink socks, just kidding.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are standing at the foot of the bed looking at it, I do. But that's not always the case. He's usually closer to the door, whichever side that is.

9. Who pays the bills? I do. Well, he pays the bills because he brings home the paycheck, but I do all of the accounting-like stuff.

10. Who cooks more? Me. But if you're looking for a good Ramen Noodle recipe, give him a call.

11. What meals do you cook together? We work together on Sunday dinners (roast beef and potatoes—he does the potatoes). And when we grill he does the grilling while I do all of the sides.

12. Who is more stubborn? I think it’s pretty close, but he wins.

13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Usually me, even though that's pretty rare. Ha ha.

14. Who has more siblings? He does.

15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? It's hard for me to reliquish control of things but I try to let him wear the pants. I'm not always very good at it though. But he is a very good leader, which makes him a good pants wearer. :)

16. What do you like to do together? We love to take the family on little adventures. He loves anything historical so we've had fun exploring the area we live in. We love bike riding, going for walks, and watching movies together. We also love traveling together.

17. Who eats more sweets? Me. He used to dislike any dessert but I've brought him around a little bit.

18. Guilty pleasures? American Idol.

19. How did you meet? At a grocery store, yes it's true. I was the checker, he was the bagger. We were also in the same student ward.

20. Who asked who out first? Neither really. The assistant manager at the grocery store we worked out asked him (right in front of me) why he hadn't taken me out. Then he felt a little pressured so he reluctantly asked me out.

21. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first. But he did ask, what a gentleman.

22. Who proposed? Richard did.

23. His best features? He has many. I love his eyes and he has been working out a lot lately so I must admit his arms look great. I find that when I look at him from across the room I'm proud to say he's mine because he is so darn good looking!

24. What is his greatest quality? That's hard because there are MANY. He is VERY passionate about things. When he loves something, he really really loves it. From his patriotism, to his love for BYU and Superman, to his love for the gospel and his family. He is truly the best dad and husband that I could have ever asked for. He does not do things half-heartedly. He jumps in full-force. I know that I am a better person because I have him as my spouse. I love you Rich!!


Anonymous said...

How sweet is this??? You two are awesome and it's always cute to hear you say such wonderful things about each other. I'm sure if richard was wife tagged he would have many great things to say about you Stephanie.
Your all amazing.

Holly said... sweet. I'm glad you actually did it (the tag thing) because it's always so fun to hear it fron your perspective. I think you hit it right on with Rich. We love you two.

Chard said...

Hmmmm, is this about me or Steph? ;-)I guess we really know who wears the pants now.

Anonymous said...

I think Richard likes to think he wears the pants, but we all know who really does, the cute little terror =).